Rabu, 05 Juni 2013

Examples of Invitation Letter

May 29th,2013

Dear Indonesian Consulate,

Please be advised that I have invited my son, Tommy Prasetya to visit my wife and
myself in Jakarta during the month of June 2013 (01-Jun-2013 thru 25-Jun-
2013). My name is Dimas Yoga, I am a Indonesian citizen living and working in
Jakarta for Gunadarma University.

My address is:
Mutiara Gading Timur
Bangka Street
No. 8
Bekasi, Indonesia
Phone: +(86)(21) 1234-5678

We would appreciate your assistance in issuing Tommy to visit us here in Jakarta during June 2013. Please let us know if you need further information.

Thank you,

Dimas Yoga
Gunadarma University
K.H Noer Ali Street
Bekasi, Indonesia
Office Phone: +(86)(21) 1234-4567